Friday, August 10, 2018

Syllabus of MAJMC, Shia P.G. College, Lucknow (An Associated College of University of Lucknow)

MJMC – I Semester

Paper 1st  Basic Principles of Communication & Mass-Communication


Nature and Process of Human Communication
Communication: Definition, Elements, Process, Functions, Barriers, Verbal, non verbal-
Paralinguistic, Kinesics, Proxemics, Chronemics,
Need and Significance of communication
Kinds of Communication


Models of Communication: Relevance & limitations
Lasswell, SMCR, Shannon and Weaver
Osgood, Wilbur Schramm, Newcomb, Mclean & Dance model of Communication, Gerbner
model, Jackobson Model


Theories of Communication: Sociological and Normative Theories, Bullet, Psychological or
Individual Difference, Personal Influence, Cultivation, Dependency, Uses and Gratification,
Agenda Setting, Free Press, Development, Communist Media theory
Sociological Communication Theories: Cognitive Dissonance, Selective Perception, Critical and
Cultural Theories; Hegemony


Mass communication as a agent of Social change
Demassification, Demystification, Decentralization and convergence
Characteristics of Audiences, audience fragmentation,
Type of audiences: Elite audience, General audience, specialized audience, target audience
Limitations of Mass Communication

Suggested Readings :-

1. Mass-Communication in India: Kevel J. Kumar: Jaico Mumbai
2. Mass-Communication theory-An Introduction: Denis McQuail:Sage Delhi
3. Bharat Men Sanchar aur Jansanchar:J.V.Vilanilam: M.P. Hindi Granth Academy Bhopal
4. Mass-Communication: Concepts and issues: D.V.R Murthy: Olive green:Kochi
5. Mass-, Culture, Language and arts in India: Mahadev L.Apte: Popular Prakashan, Mumbai
6. Towards sociology of Mass-Communication: Denis McQuail: Collier –Macmillan
7. News,Information &Communication:Dr.Mukul Srivastava,New Royal Book Company
8. The process and Effects of Mass-Communication: Wilbur Schramm and Donald F. Roberts:
University of Illinois press.
9. Introduction to Communication Studies: John Fiske: Methuen London
10. Soochna Sanchar aur Samachar, Dr. Mukul Srivastava, New Royal Book Company,

Paper Title  (II)  History Growth & Development of Media


Origin, History, growth of Print Media with special reference to India
Regional Press : Importance & Reach
Role of Press in Pre Independence and Post independence in India
Origin of Indian News agencies and their role


Origin History, Growth of Radio with special reference to India
Radio as a tool of development
Future of Radio: FM, Online Radio, Visual radio, Ham Radio
Community Radio: Concept & Importance


Origin and History, of T.V. with special reference to India
SITE Experiment
Origin History, Growth of Cinema with special reference to India
Indian New Wave
Indian Popular Films: Social History
Role of Cinema in Social Change: Critical analysis
Regional Cinema


Origin History & Growth of Internet in India
Role of Internet as a tool of Communication
Internet Governance; Internet Engineering Task Force
Future of web journalism/cyber media
Digital Divide
Introduction to Mobile Media
Changing conceptions in Mobile Media

Suggested Readings:

1. Parakh Jawari Mall : Hindi Filmon ka Samajik Charitra, Anamika Publication, New
2. Vasudev Aruna:The New Indian Cinema, MacMillan, New Delhi.
3. Dasgupta, Chidanada: Talking about Films, Orient Longman, Mumbai.
4. Rai Satyajeet: Our Films,Their Films, Orient Longman, Mumbai.
5. Kumar J Kevel: Mass-Communication In India, Jaico Publication, Mumbai.
6. Press in India: Annual report of the registrar of News paper for India: Publication
Division, New Delhi.
7. The History of Press in India:B.N.Anja :Surgeet Publication New Delhi
8. The Romance of Indian Journalism:J.Basu: Kolkatta university Prees Kolkatta
9. Mass Coomunication in India: J.Vinanilum: Sage Publication New Delhi.
10. Soochna Sanchar aur Samachar, Dr. Mukul Srivastava, New Royal Book Company,
11. Jyotika Virdi-The Cinematic Imagination_ Indian Popular Films as Social History
12. Aaj Ki Duniya Mein Suchna Paddhati, Mark Foster,
13. Bharat Vibhajan Aur Hindi Patrakarita, Radha Krishan Sharma,

Paper Title (III) Computer Applications & Visual Communication


Introduction to computers: Definition classification and type of computers
Computer hardware and software
Memories, types of memories, storage devices
Application of computer in various fields related to media: Print electronic and film etc.
Introduction to operating systems: MS windows,(98,2000,XP) MS DOS.


Visual Communication: Meaning, definition and Philosophy
Need and importance of visual communication
Various application areas of visual communication
Latest Development in the field of Visual Communication
Future of Visual Communication
Principles of Design; Elements of Design, Theory of Colors
Importance of Monochrome, Alignment, Geometric shapes and Forms


Introduction to multimedia and animation
Introduction to MS power point, Presentation manager
Design aspect of audio visual presentation (Power point Presentation)
Import and assembly of files software related to audio and video: Cool Edit, Windows movie
Introduction to designing and photo editing software: Coral draw & Photoshop
Introduction to text formatting software: MS word and Quark express
Use of DTP in Print Media applications


Graphics: Definition & Types
Persistence of vision application
Conceiving logo design,Corporate Identity
Design and Layout (News papers, Posters, Magazines, Books)
Relevance of fonts and sizes
Concept of RGB & CMYK
Different type of formats: JPEG, MPEG, AVI, GIF, MP3, BITMAP, TIFF.

Suggested Readings:

1. Quark Express for Beginners: BPB Publication
2. Adobe Photoshop: Prentice hall India
3. Adobe Photoshop-Creative Techniques: Vishnu Priya Singh:Asian Publication Delhi
4. Mastering DTP: Simone Mitchett: Macmillan Master Series London.
5. Information Technology-The Breaking Wave:Dennis P. Curtin, Kim Foley,Kunal Sen &
Cathleen Morin: Tata Mc Graw –Hill New Delhi
6. Introduction to Information Technology: Chetna Srivastava
7. Computer Itihas Aur karyavidhi, Gopinath Srivastava
8. Computer ka kamal, Sunita Sharma, Bharti Bhasha Prakashan, Delhi

Paper Title (IV) Practical / Viva Voce

Designing Two pages of News Paper in A3 Size.
MS Word: The student should prepare at least 2 pages indicating the use of paragraphs, text,
fonts, headlines and alignment
PowerPoint: At least one presentation of not less than 10 slides on any topic assigned.
Coral Draw: 5 Items
Photoshop: Editing 5 Photograph
Note: All assignment should be submitted in a CD/DVD

MAJMC – II Semester

Paper  (V) Basics of Reporting & Editing


News: Definition & Type
News Value, Qualities of Good writing
Elements of News, 5W & 1H Concept of News
Structure of News Story: Intro, Body (Inverted Pyramids) etc.
News gathering & Sources of News
Qualities of Reporter


Editing: Meaning, Definition & Need
News agencies: History, Importance
Major News Agencies: PTI, UNI, Reuter, AP, etc
Structure of editorial Department, Proof reading symbols
Style book, Story peg
Electronic revolution & Editing


Headline: Meaning, Significance Writing and types
Interview: Methods Importance and types
Book review, Film Review, Feature Writing
News article, analysis, & Letters to the editor
Definition, Importance and Types of Editorial


Different types of Beat & Importance
Cultural reporting
Science & Technology reporting
Sports & games reporting
Crime reporting
Development Reporting

Suggested Readings:

1.News Writing:George.A.Hough, Boston Hough miffin company.
2.News culture:Allen Stuart, Buckinghem open university press.
3.Modern Journalism and News writing: Savita Chadda
4.Basic Journalism:Rangaswami Parthasarathi, Macmilan India Ltd.
5.Editing design and book production:Foster Charles,Journy London
6.News Editing Theory and practice : Sourin Banerji: K.P. Bagchi and company New Delhi.
7. Soochna Sanchar aur Samachar, Dr. Mukul Srivastava, New Royal Book Company, Lucknow.
8.News,Information &Communication:Dr.Mukul Srivastava,New Royal Book Company
9. Samachar Feature lekhan avum Sampadan, Harimohan, Takshila Prakashan
10.Sampadan kala, K.P. Narayan, Madhya Pradesh
11.Sampadan Kala, Ramesh jain

Paper (VI) New Media

Unit- I

Introduction to the concept of new media- Concept and meaning, History of New media,
Globalization & New media, Online Journalism
Search engine –Meaning and types; National and International well known sites-News,
Constituents of new media‐ Web 2.0‐3.0, Blogs, Micro Blogs, Wikis, CMS, RSS feed
Social Media Constituents‐ Facebook, Twitter, Wordpress, Blogger, Linkedin, Instagram,
YouTube, Docs, Drive, Hangouts, social bookmarking, delicious, slideshare, Skype

Unit- II

Content writing for web: Why writing for web is different, characteristics of good content,
structuring of content on page, Qualities of content writer
Reading pattern for web- 3 Design Layouts: Gutenberg Diagram, Z-Pattern, And F-Pattern
Writing for SEO: tagging-tags and meta tags, hyperlinking-how to use hyperlinking etc
Use of various social media platforms for making story viral

Unit- III

Digital story telling-Concept,
Elements of storytelling
Digital story telling as a tool for social change
News in photos- Selection of images-, captioning, Heading, Subheading, Formatting,
Hyperlinking-Text, Slideshow, Audio, Video
Audio for web-Interview, Audio editing Insertion in between articles, Podcasting, Webcasting
Video for web- Recording , Slideshow video, caption, transitions, sound-background music,
voice over

Unit - IV

Ethical issues in Online Media
Cyber Activism: Community Informatics Activism in Cyber space,
Evolution of media campaigns around world
New media and political campaigns in Indian Context
ICT: Concept of ICT, Role of ICT in social development

Suggested Reading :

1. The Online Journalism Handbook: Skills to survive and thrive in the digital age (Longman
Practical Journalism Series) by Paul Bradshaw, Liisa Rohumaa
2.Digital story telling in the classroom New Media Pathways to Literacy, Learning and
Creativity by Jason B Ohler
3. Online Journalism Ethics : Traditions and Transitions by Cecilia Friend and Jane B. Singer
4. Cyberactivism: Online Activism in Theory and Practice edited by Martha Mccaughey,
Michael D. Ayers
5. Samachar Lekhan Aur Web Patrakarita, A.Kulshreshtha, Sri Nataraj Publications.
6. Media hoon mein, Jay Prakash Tripathi, Aman Prakashan, 2014.
7. Mandi mein media, Vineet Kumar, Vani Prakashan.
8. Vigyapan dot com, Rekha Sethi, Vani Prakashan.

Paper (VII) Media Laws


Need and importance of various laws in media
Brief history of Press Law in India
Basics of Indian constitution and Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of state policy,
Freedom of Speech & expression Article 19(a) &19(b)
Concept of free press, Censorship and other legal implications imposed by government on Press


Press Commission: First and Second
Press council of India
Defamation: Libel and Slander
Sedition and inflammatory writings, IPC and CrPC
Copy Right Act, 1957, IPR
Press & Books Registration Act, 1867
Contempt of Court 1971
Official Secrets Act 1923


Committees and related to Media: Joshi Committee, Chanda committee, Verghese committee
Broadcasting Laws: Prasar Bharati Act, Cable TV Network Regulation Act,
Digitization and Conditional Access System (CAS), Proposed Broadcast Regulatory Authority of
India Act, Broadcasting and Advertising codes.
RTI, Editorial ethics, Press council code on communal writings, Parliament code for journalist

Unit IV

Cinematography Act
Cyber Laws: Information Technology Act and Regulatory Authorities
Journalism as an organised/unorganised sector, Working Journalists Act, Wage board.
Wage board related to Media: Bachawat Palekar and Manisana Award
Broadcast Regulatory bodies and TRAI, BRAI , IBF
Media Associations and Organisations: INS, Editors Guild, IFWJ, NUJ (I), IJU,NBA,
BEA, etc. Trade Union Rights in Media

Suggested Readings:

1. Press law in India: D.D. Basu
2. Press Vidhi: Nand Kishore Trikha
3. Journalistic Ethics: P.K. Bandhopadhyay
4. Press Law:A.N.Grover
5. Natarajan, J. (2000). History of Indian Press, Publications Division.
6. Iyer ,V. (2000), Mass Media Laws and Regulations in India, AMIC Publication.
7. Babel,Dr. Basanti Lal: Patrkarita avum Press Vidhi, Suvidha law House, Bhopal.
8. Mishr, Akhilesh: Patrkarita: Mission se media tak, Rajkamal Prakashan, New Delhi
9. Bhanawat, Sanjeev, Press kanoon aur Patrikarita, Sidhashri Prakashan, Jaipur, 1993

Paper (VIII) Practical / Viva Voce

All the students have to submit 05 news stories per beat and 05 photographs along with caption
per beat. (Beats as mentioned in syllabus)
All the students have to do a Website Designing and Planning in which they have to create a
framework of their own content for a website along with Design which include banner, Mast,
icons, hyperlink etc.All the students have to make a separate file also.
Note: A separate File shall have to be made and maintained by every student which will be
evaluated by External examiner during semester examination.

MAJMC – III Semester

Paper (IX) Electronic Media (Radio & Television)


Introduction to Radio as a Mass- Medium
The Functioning of Radio News Room
Types of News Bulletins
Compilation of News:Pool copy, Compiling News Bulletins
Radio Programme production: Basic Equipments


Concept of MW, SW and FM
Microphone: Importance, Types,
Elements of Radio Script: Spoken, immediate, person to person, heard only once sound only,
feel, think, entertain, & inform.
Production elements of Radio programmes: Aural Sense Appeal, narration, dialogue, sound
effect, Rapid Getaway, music, silence etc.
Art of writing different Radio Programme Formats: Talk, Radio Play, Feature, Interview etc.


Television camera optics: View finder, Lens, Focal length, Focus, f stop, Depth of field
Television production Crew: Talent, Camera operator, Floor manager, Audio switcher, Video
switcher, Director etc
Television Interview: Types, Methods, Formats, Tips
Light: Key, back & Fill
T.V. News: Basic style: PTC, Stand up shot etc.


Preparing T.V. visuals: Simplicity, Contrast, Balance, Composition
Story Board: Concept & Importance
Difference between ENG & EFP
Documentary Production: History, Importance
T.V. shooting technique: Shot classification, Framing, Movement

Suggested Readings:

1. Frederich Shook, Television Field Production and Reporting.
2. Rudy Bretz, Techniques of TV Production, Focal Press
3. Gerald Millerson, Techniques of Video Production.
4. Effective TV Productions by Gerald Millerson, Focal Press.
5. Gerald Millerson, Video Camera Techniques.
6. David Lusted and Christine Geraghty, The Television Studies Book.
7. Jonathan Bignell, An Introduction to Television Studies, Routledge 2007.
8. Television ki bhasha, Harish Chandra Barnwal, Radha Krishna Prakashan
9. Television Production, Dr. Devbrat Singh, MCRP, Bhopal

Paper  (X) Advertising & Media Management


Advertising: Definition scope and Concept
History and development of advertising in India
Classification of Advertising
Advertising agency: Structure & Function
Characteristics of Advertising
Creativity in advertising, Style of Thinking: Fact v/s Value based thinking


Transforming Concepts (Idea) in to copy
Basics of Advertising copy writing &Visualization
Writing Effective Radio & T.V Copy
Print copy writing
Models of Creativity: Roger von model, Graham Wallas model, James Young Model
Formats for Radio and T.V. Commercials: Slice of life, life style, animation, straight
announcement, Presenter, Testimonial, Demonstration, Musical etc


Management in Media: Definition, & Concept, Basic Principal of Management Need and
Importance of Management
Changing Conceptions of Management
Functions Of various Key management Authorities
Commencing Newspaper Publication and its Pre- Publication Exercise
Organizational Set up of a newspaper/magazine and Electronic channel
Chain, Cross, Vertical and Conglomerate


Editorial Management: Organizational set-up of Editorial department, Functions of key
Advertising management: organizational set-up of advertising department function of
advertising management
Circulation management, Importance of circulation, promotional schemes
Personnel management/ Human Resource management: concept of personnel management,
Role of personnel manager, Human Resource Planning, Function of personnel/ human resource
Production and storage management production department, division of production department,
function, role of production manager
Library management: concept of library management, need of useful publications for
newspaper library, key issue in library management, functions of librarian.

Suggested Readings:

1. Rucker & Williams: Newspaper Organization and Management: The Iowa State University
Press, Iowa.
2. Bhattacharjee Arun – Indian press from profession to industry, Vikas Publication, New Delhi.
3. Kohli Vanita – The Indian Media Business, Sage, 2003.
4. Ganaratne Shelton – Handbook of the media, Sage, 2000.
5. Kothari Gulab – Newspaper Management in India, Intercultural open University, Netherlands.
6. Vigyapan Kala, Dr. Madhu Dhawan, Vani Prakashan.
7. Adhunik Vigyapan, Dr. Premchand Patanjali, Vani Prakashan.

Paper (XI) Public Relations & Corporate communication


Public Relations: Introduction, Background, Definitions, concept, scope,
Public relations process: RACE approach
Public relations in an organization: PR and Management, The entrepreneurial PR
House Journals: Importance and types
Tools and skills of P.R.O
PR through Traditional Media


Difference between PR Publicity, Propaganda and advertising
Writing for PR: Press release, Press note, Handout, Feature, Articles, Speech writing, special
speech, Background materials, citizen charter of the organization, creative writing, report
writing, Agenda and Minutes of the meeting, Ghost writing
PR and Media Relations


Corporate communication- definition, concept-components of corporate communication, nature
and scope, corporate communication mix- Van Riel Corporate communication, Barlmer and
Gray’s Total corporate communication mix
Forms of corporate communications, vehicles of corporate communication, management
perspective in corporate communications


Importance of market research in corporate communication, SWOT analysis, Social
responsibilities in corporate communication, standards of corporate communication, profession
etiquettes & standard of corporate communication,
PR and corporate advertising, PR in crisis management, International public relations, Strategic
communication, zero based media planning,

Suggested Readings :

1. Corporate Communication : Principles, Techniques and Strategies - Kogan Page 1997
2. Denzin K Norman, Public Relation Writing.
3. Fernandez Joseph, Corporate Communication a 21st Century Primer.
4. Applegate M Lynda,Corporate Information Strategy & Management.
5. Argenti, Paul A, Corporate Communication.
6. Crane, Andrew, Corporate Social Responsibility.
7. Karki, Rajnish, Competing with the Best.
8. Bhartiya paripeksh mein vyavsayik jansampark, C.K. Sardana, Prabhat Prakashan.
9. Patrakarita avum Jansampark, T.D.S. Alok, Anamika Publishers, New Delhi.
10. Jansampark Prabhandhan, Kumud Sharma, Gyan ganga, Delhi

Paper (XII) Practical / Viva Voce

(i) Radio Feature –Write a 05 minutes script for radio feature describing different aspects of
life edit & record it.
Radio-Play –Write a 05 minutes script for radio play describing a social issue or social evil and
should contain a message edit and record it.
(ii) Two Minute Short Film: You will shoot, direct, and produce a 02 Minutes short film about a
social message. It must be exactly 02-03 Minute with full credit. You have to write a script on
your own accordingly to your subject. You have to shoot with either video camera or your
mobile phone cameras as per the availability or you can use the already available videos from
you tube or images available.
(iii) Designing two posters- one commercial and one social awareness
(iv) Design cover page for any magazine
Preparing press notes & speeches for press conference & Prepare a house journal.
Note: A separate File shall have to be made and maintained by every student which will be
evaluated by External examiner during semester examination.

MAJMC- IV Semester

Paper (XIII) Development Communication


Development: Meaning, Concept, Models of development, Theories, Approaches to
development, Indicators of development
Problems and Issues in Development
Characteristics of developing Societies, Rich and Poor
Development Dichotomies: Gap between developed and developing Societies
International organizations for development such as World Bank, UNDP, IMF


India’s Demographic Profile:-Population size distribution and density, Biological
characteristics of population: age, sex, race, mortality
Development Communication: Meaning, Concept, Definition & Philosophy
Role of Media in Development Communication, Diffusion of Innovation, Change Agent
C4D, Planning and strategies in development Communication
Social cultural and economic barriers
Democratization and decentralization of communication services: Panchayati Raj System etc.


Issues in Development Communication: Population control
Family welfare, Health, Education, Environment
Problems in development Communication
Need and Significance of development communication in Indian Context
Agricultural Communication & Rural Development: The genesis of agricultural extension
approach system, Approaches in agricultural communication models of agricultural extension


Difference between Development Communication, Mass Communication, and Development
Journalism, Alternative Communication
The development agencies: Government, non-government, co- operative and others
Planning development Messages: Identifying target audience, Topic selection
Place Time and Purpose
Developing, structuring presenting and adopting development Messages through Print media,
Radio & T.V and other modern technologies

Suggested Readings:

1. Communication and Indian Agriculture, R. Ostman (Ed.): New Delhi, Sage
2. Jansanchar kal aaj aur kal:C K Sardana & K S Mehta, Prabhat Prakashan.
3. Communication and Social Development in India: B.Kuppuswamy:Sterling Mumbai
4. Communication and Nation Building: P.C. Joshi: Publication Division New Delhi
5. Communication as Development: Uma Narula, W.B.Pearce: Southern Illinois University Press
6. Education and Communication for Development: O.P.Dhama & O.P Bhatnagar: Oxford New
7. Media, Communication and Development: S.C.Mishra: Rawat publication Jaipur
8. Problems of Communication in Developing Countries: Krishan Sondhi: Vision Publication
New Delhi
9. Mass-Media and Rural Development: Arbind Sinha: Concept publication New Delhi
10. Communication Technology and Development: I.P.Tiwari: Publication Division New Delhi
11. Mass-Media and Village life in India: Paul Hartmann & B.R.Patel: Sage New Delhi

Paper  (XIV) Communication Research


Concept of Research: Meaning & Definition
Role of researcher
Types of Research; Eight Step Model for Research
Applications of Research
Areas of Media Research: Source analysis, channel analysis, Message analysis, Audience
analysis, Feedback analysis


Communication Research: Definition & Meaning
Contribution of other social sciences
Communication research process: essential steps
Issues in Communication Research
Ethical Issues in Communication Research
Research methods- Meaning, objective methods versus Research methodology, Types of
Research methods: scientific method; Survey method; Experimental Method, case study method;
and statistical method.


Research Design- Meaning and Need for Research Design; Features of a good design; important
concepts relating to the research Design, Formulation of Hypotheses, and Testing of hypotheses:
Basic concept regarding testing of Hypothesis
Sampling: Meaning and types
Methods of data collection: Survey, Observation, Case studies, Content analysis
Tools of Research: Interview, Schedule, Questionnaire
Types of Data: Primary, Secondary and Tertiary
Data analysis: Mean, Median, Mode
Graphical presentation: Histogram, bar diagram, Pie charts


Scaling Techniques: Need for scaling; Reliability and validity of scales, Scale construction
Techniques – Arbitrary Approach, Consensus Scale Approach, Item Analysis Approach, and
cumulative scales; and problems of scaling.
Analysis of Data : Elements/ Types of Analysis Techniques of interpretation, and precautions in
interpretation and Generalization; and report writing significance, Steps in writing a report,
Format of Research report, Types of report, Precautions for writing Research Reports,
Information Technology revolution and Communication Research

Suggested Readings :

1. Social Research and statistics: R.N.Mukherjee:Vivek Prakashan New Delhi
2. Media Research: A.S.A.Berger: Sage Publication: New Delhi
3. An Inquiry to Communication Research: Social Research: C.R. Kothari
4. C.R. Kothari-Research Methodology Methods and Techniques-New Age Publications
(Academic) (2009)
5. Ranjit Kumar-Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners-SAGE
Publications Ltd (2010)
6. Roger D. Wimmer, Joseph R. Dominick-Mass Media Research_ An Introduction -
Wadsworth Publishing (2010).
7. Anusandhan Pravidhi Siddhant Aur Prakriya, S.N. Ganeshan, Lok Bharti Prakshan,
8. Sanchar avum Media Shodh,Vinita Gupta, Prabhat Prakashan.

Paper (XV) Dissertation

Each student will select a Research topic/Problem in consultation with the concerned
faculty member of the department.
Communication Research- prepares a research design for a selected research problem.
Prepare questionnaire/schedule and interview format
Data collection on the basis of research tool developed keeping in view the research
design using a smaller sample size.
Submission & presentation of report.
All the students have to submit the dissertation file for evaluation along with a CD.

Paper (XVI) Practical / Viva Voce

Viva Voce will be held based upon the dissertation and the theory subjects.

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