Monday, April 2, 2018

New media 1

New media 1

Online Communication: Meaning

 Online means: via Internet
 Communication: Share of message
 So, Communication (Share of Message), which has been done via Internet, is called online communication.

Definition of: Online Communications

There are numerous ways people communicate with each other over the Internet, including email, instant messaging (IM), feedback on blogs, contact forms on websites, industry forums, chat rooms and social networking sites. See email, instant messaging, blog, contact form, forum, chat room and social networking site.

Another Definition
Online communication refers to the ways in which individuals as well as computers can communicate with each other over a computer network, such as the Internet. These ways include: chat rooms, e-mail, filling out online forms, forums, instant messaging (IM), posting comments on websites, such as blogs, social networking sites, VoIP

Features of Online communication

Online communication can be a wide variety of things like communicating through chat rooms, through instant messaging applications, through electronic mails, through online forums, filling out requisite forms online, posting comments online through different social media sites or blogs, through social networking, or through online conferencing both video and audio.

Emails: Emails or electronic mails were the earliest forms of online communication. This is considered to be the sole reason for the decline of the postal service across the world. A method that saves time and money, it is still widely used by a multitude of people across the world for personal and professional communication. Emails work through an online interface and are hosted on the servers of different Internet Service Providers.

SMS: Another word for this is Short Messaging Service. As the name suggests, these are short messages with a capping of 160 alphanumeric characters that are transmitted from the sender to the receiver through the internet.

Chats: This is a very popular method of online communication as it allows a user to carry on a discussion with one or multiple people at the same time. The chat servers belong to a chat network through which the transcripts are broadcasted.

Forums: Also known as bulletin boards or discussion boards, these are online sessions that have multiple users interact with each other by posting messages on the same chat trail. This is popular for having discussion and debates on any particular topic.

Whiteboards: This tool or application works like a physical whiteboard and enables the user to draw or write on an online interface. It is popular in educational institutions and is good for one-way communication.

Instant Messaging (IM): This mode of communication is an enhanced method of the chat. Messages can be conveyed through a special software to any user who is part of the same instant messaging network. Both users have to be connected to the relevant network to be able to communicate online. However, if one user is not available they will be notified of getting a message from a user.

VoIP: VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol is used to denote any audio or video transmission that happens between two or multiple users. This is a very popular method of communication nowadays as it allows users to interact real time and also captures the subtle nuances of the age-old verbal communication. This is used today mostly for hosting meetings and conference calls.

Trillian (all in one): The latest in the online communication world, this is an innovative method of communicating online. The main advantage of this tool is that users can connect with numerous instant messaging services without having to create multiple connections.

Today, the online methods have made communication all the easier and have managed to bring people closer to each other. More than a method, this is fast becoming a way of life.


The Internet is the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents and applications of the World Wide Web (WWW), electronic mail, telephony, and file sharing.

Characteristics of the Internet

The characteristics of the Internet that are clearly of importance in cyberlibel proceedings are:
1. Its global nature;
2. Interactivity;
3. Its potential to shift the balance of power in the offline world;
4. Accessibility;
5. Anonymity;
6. Its facilitation of republication;
7. The prominence of intermediaries;
8. Its reliance on hyperlinks/hypertext;
9. Its long-term impact — the use of permanent archives;
10. Its multimedia character; and
11. Its temporal indeterminacy.

The advantages of the Internet

The Internet is a whole new unprecedented opportunity we now have in our lives. In future generations we will look back at the printing press, or the steam engine, but nothing else will compare to the revolution of the Internet.
The most beautiful thing is, the Internet is still incredibly young and so there are thousands and thousands of opportunities for improving our lives and creating new companies.
Whilst there are many characteristics of the Internet that make it a huge opportunity, I believe there are four special ones that will have the biggest long term impact. These characteristics are Access, Convenience, Distribution and Networks.

1. Access

Ubiquitous access and the decentralised level playing field is the first major characteristic of the Internet that will define it’s success.
Firstly, broadband has now penetrated the majority of the developed world. This in itself is huge because certain opportunities were just not possible on slow dialup Internet. An even bigger impact is the adoption of smartphones which is spreading like wildfire across the world. This means that whole new demographics of people are now accessing the Internet every single day and the Internet is now more accessible for people in developing countries. These two changes have massively increased the amount of people who are using the Internet.
Secondly, an important quality of access is that the Internet gives equal opportunity to anyone who wants it. On the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog, and with the continually lowering barriers to entry, anyone with access to the Internet can create, publish or curate to become a leader.

AWS has slashed the cost of hosting online and application marketplaces like the iOS App Store allows companies to connect directly with their customers.
It is now extremely cheap to build a global company from day one. Your potential market is bigger than any previous business has had access to and it is growing every single day. You don’t need permission from anyone and there are no gatekeepers standing in the way of engaging with your customers.

2. Convenience

Convenience is the second big characteristic that will ensure that the Internet becomes a staple in the lives of hundreds of millions and not just the early adopters.
If you think back to the dot com bubble, many of the failed business models were really just too early in the cycle. Companies like or Webvan failed for a number of reasons, but one of the most important reasons was a lack of total addressable market.
Now that Internet penetration has increased from hundreds of thousands to hundreds of millions, suddenly these business models start to work. Amazon has been one of the leaders in this space with their Amazon Prime service.
The second big convenience characteristic has been pushed into the spot light by the ubiquitous nature of the smartphone. Now that we have a constant internet connection and a location aware device on us at all times, this opens up a number of new opportunities to service convenience.
I’ve wrote previously on the huge opportunity of resource allocation in connected marketplaces so I won’t go over old ground. But the fact of the matter is, the penetration of smartphone is going to continue to create opportunities like Uber or TaskRabbit.
And thirdly, payment options online are smoothing the friction of taking payments from customers. PayPal started this trend by tying payment details to an email address. But the bigger move in commerce has been the likes of Amazon and Apple who now have millions of customer’s credit cards on file ready for one-click payment.
In a world of one-click payment, location aware offers and services and same day delivery on anything you want, the Internet is going to continue to savage the offline retailing industry.

3. Distribution

Distribution is the third key characteristic of the Internet because there are now more efficient and more scalable ways to connect with your target customers than ever before.
For the first time, you can connect directly with your audience and they can give you their permission to send them information about things that they are interested in. When all of marketing was mass broadcasting, nearly all marketing messages were wasted. Now they we can connect directly to a customer who has shown their interest, we can offer better ways to inform and delight.
Search was one of the first big distribution mechanisms that grew the Internet. The unprecedented rise of Google enabled anyone to access the Internet for the first time and land on the page that most suited their query. Search remains to this day one of the biggest and most powerful distribution mechanisms online.
Although not the first, Facebook and Twitter have really been the most iconic platforms that have thrust social as a new distribution mechanism online. The huge explosion in online social activity has brought the Internet to whole new demographics who previously had no interest in being online.
As online distribution continues to evolve and become more powerful, the Internet will become the most important platform for connecting and engaging with your audience. Whilst television and the printed press still hold the majority of the mass market’s attention today, the move online is creeping closer every day.

4. Networks

And finally, the fourth major characteristic of the Internet is the power of networks and connected marketplaces.
Due to the economies of scale of the internet, the growing global audience and the tiny cost of moving bits on the wire, networks and connected marketplaces are going to continue to grow in importance in our lives.
We’ve already seen some of the biggest transformative online companies emerge as the likes of eBay, Craigslist and AirBnB. These companies understand the messy concept of peer-to-peer marketplaces and the huge opportunity that comes from these types of economies of scale.
The rising importance of networks and connected marketplaces can clearly be seen in the Long Tail effects on the world of publishing, music, movies and media. It is only a matter of time before the next industries start to fall into the laws of the Long Tail.


As you can see, the Internet has a number of powerful innate characteristics that create unprecedented future opportunity for companies. It’s not hard to see how the millions of offline companies who are neglecting the Internet as not a threat will soon be left behind.


Networking is the exchange of information or services among individuals, groups, or institutions. Networks are used almost everywhere. Without them you would not have the internet or be able to log in to the computers at school/work. Many tasks that you use a computer for would become almost impossible .

Network Device

An item that use networks or have internet access. Example: Computers, cell phones, and gaming consoles


LAN (Local Area Network) 

LAN supplies networking capability to a group of computers in close proximity to each other such as in an office building, a school, or a home. LAN is useful for sharing resources like files, printers, games or other applications. 

MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) 

A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or region. Designed for a town or city or a large university.

WAN (Wide Area Network)

 A WAN spans a large geographic area, such as a state, province or country. WANs often connect multiple smaller networks, such as local area networks (LANs) or metro area networks (MANs).  The world's most popular WAN is the Internet.

WiFi (Wireless Fidelity)

Wi-Fi refers to wireless networking that allows computers and other devices to communicate over a wireless signal


A type of network cable for local area networks. A coaxial cable which carries frequency signals between computers at a rate of 10 megabits per second


The primary function of the router is to connect networks together. It allows data to move from one network to another.  It acts as a firewall to protect your computer from unwanted outside access to your network.


Short for modulator- DEmodulator. A modem is a device or program that enables a computer to transmit data over a telephone or cable line.

ISP (Internet Service Provider)

Refers to a company that provides Internet services, including personal and business access to the Internet.  Examples: Windstream 

IP (Internet Protocol)

The method which information is sent between any two computers on the Internet. IP addresses are the backbone of networking, There are many levels and classes of IP addresses and also some are even reserved for special use. The numbers in an IP Address go from 0-255 

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol)

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a set of rules used along with the Internet Protocol to send data in the form of message units between computers over the internet. A protocol developed for the internet to get data from one network device to another;

WWW (World Wide Web)

A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities across the entire country and most of the world.


A computer network with restricted access within a company or school that uses software and protocols developed for the Internet


A server is a computer in a central location that runs software or stores data. Multiple clients can connect to the server for their processing needs.


A software application that allows for the browsing of the World Wide Web computer program used for accessing sites or information on a network


Domain Name Used to identify one or more IP addresses Used in RLSs to identify particular web pages. Example:


Domain Name Extensions : gov - Government agencies, edu - Educational institutions. 
org - Organizations (nonprofit), mil - Military, com - commercial business. net - Network organizations.  

ISP (Internet service provider)

An ISP (Internet service provider) is a company that provides individuals and other companies access to the Internet and other related services such as Web site building and virtual hosting. An ISP has the equipment and the telecommunication line access required to have a point-of-presence on the Internet for the geographic area served. The larger ISPs have their own high-speed leased lines so that they are less dependent on the telecommunication providers and can provide better service to their customers. Among the largest national and regional ISPs are AT&T WorldNet, IBM Global Network, MCI, Netcom, UUNet, and PSINet.
An ISP is also sometimes referred to as an IAP (Internet access provider). ISP is sometimes used as an abbreviation for independent service provider to distinguish a service provider that is an independent, separate company from a telephone company. 

Network service provider

A network service provider (NSP) is a business or organization that sells bandwidth or network access by providing direct Internet backbone access to internet service providers and usually access to its network access points (NAPs). For such a reason, network service providers are sometimes referred to as backbone providers or internet providers.

Web browser (browser)

Short for Web browser, a browser is a software application used to locate, retrieve and display content on the World Wide Web, including Web pages, images, video and other files. As a client/server model, the browser is the client run on a computer that contacts the Web server and requests information. The Web server sends the information back to the browser which displays the results on the computer or other Internet-enabled device that supports a browser.
Today's browsers are fully-functional software suites that can interpret and display HTML Web pages, applications, JavaScript, AJAX and other content hosted on Web servers. Many browsers offer plug-ins which extend the capabilities of the software so it can display multimedia information (including sound and video), or the browser can be used to perform tasks such as videoconferencing, to design web pages or add anti-phishing filters and other security features to the browser.
The three most popular desktop browsers, according to Net Marketshare, is Chrome, followed by Microsoft Internet Explorer and Firefox.  Other major browsers include Apple Safari and Opera. While most commonly use to access information on the web, a browser can also be used to access information hosted on Web servers in private networks.

Mobile Browsers

Also, there are a number of browsers that are designed to access the Web using a mobile device. A mobile browser, also called a microbrowser, is optimized to display Web content on smaller mobile device screens and to perform efficiently on these computing devices, which have far less computing power and memory capacity as desktop or laptop. Mobile browsers are typically "stripped down" versions of Web browsers and offer fewer features in order to run well on mobile devices.

Types of Websites

Here is a closer look at the 12 most popular types of websites:

1 – Blog or Personal Website

Creating a blog or personal website is one of the most common reasons for using WordPress. This was the original reason that WordPress was created, even though it can be used for so much more. The main benefit of using WordPress for your personal website or blog is that you do not need any experience building websites.

2 – News and Magazine Website

Website service providers make it easy to set up a news and magazine website. You can use categories and tags to make it easier for readers to find content. 

3 – Business Website

If you are trying to find a way to create a professional website without spending thousands of dollars on web design. You can choose from thousands of business themes for your WordPress site and then tweak the layout to better represent your business.

4 – eCommerce Website

There are several high-quality WordPress plugins and themes that incorporate eCommerce features. These plugins and themes will allow you to accept payments through your website, add a shopping cart, and manage your inventory.

5 – Online Job Board

Create a community job board using WordPress. By using a forum theme for WordPress, you can easily organize job categories and create a space for people to post or find jobs. 

6 – Business Directory

Use WordPress to create a business directory. As with an online job board, you can use WordPress to create a forum or directory style website. Include separate posts for individual business. Make sure these posts include business information and links to the official website. Visitors can then browse categories and tags to find businesses.

7 – Online Communities

Create your own online community dedicated to a topic that you love. Share information with other people and use the subscriber option to build an email list. Allow others to post in the community. There are plenty of useful resources available for building an online community.

8 – Portfolio Websites

Showcase your talents with a portfolio website. There are hundreds of premium and free WordPress themes for setting up your own online portfolio. These themes tend to focus on images instead of using a traditional blog layout. This allows visitors to be drawn in by your art, design, crafts, or products.

9 – Knowledgebase / Wiki Websites

Start building a large knowledgebase or wiki-style website using WordPress. It is also easy to add internal links to other posts and documents. This is very useful when setting up a knowledge base that will contain a lot of posts.

10 – Niche Affiliate Websites

Affiliate marketing can be a useful way to earn extra money, especially if you go about it in the right way. When your website is dedicated to niche affiliate marketing, your main goal is to gain as much traffic as possible, with the hopes that your visitors will purchase products discussed in your blog posts.

11 – Photography Websites

As with portfolio themes you will have a large variety of photography themes to choose from. These also focus on the images used on your website, instead of the content. Easily upload your photos and display them right on your homepage. Many of the newer designs being used for photography and portfolio themes feature a one-page web design, where all of the content is available right from the homepage. This makes it easier for visitors to browse your images. 

12 – School or College Websites

You can easily design a professional website for the school or college while adding resources that faculty and students will find useful. Include a teacher directory, course directory, and allow provide teachers with their own sign-in for posting content for their classes.

Video conference (video conferencing)

A video conference is a live, visual connection between two or more people residing in separate locations for the purpose of communication. At its simplest, video conferencing provides transmission of static images and text between two locations. At its most sophisticated, it provides transmission of full-motion video images and high-quality audio between multiple locations.
You also agree that your personal information may be transferred and processed in the United States, and that you have read and agree to the Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.
Consumer services -- like Apple's FaceTime, Google's Hangouts and Microsoft's Skype -- have made video conferencing ubiquitous on desktops and mobile devices that have an embedded camera. In the business world, desktop video conferencing is a core component of unified communications applications and Web conferencing services, while cloud-based virtual meeting room services enable organizations to deploy video conferencing with minimal infrastructure investment.
For businesses, the tangible benefits of video conferencing include lower travel costs -- especially for employee training -- and shortened project times as a result of improved communications among team members.
The intangible benefits of video conferencing include more efficient meetings with the exchange of non-verbal communications and a stronger sense of community among business contacts, both within and between companies, as well as with customers. On a personal level, the face-to-face connection adds non-verbal communication to the exchange and allows participants to develop a stronger sense of familiarity with individuals they may never actually meet in person.


Webcasting is the process of video broadcasting live over the internet. This technology operates in real-time and allows for active conversations among and between the webcaster and their viewers. Recent developments in technology have made this both an affordable and an effective tool for communication. Embracing webcasting as a marketing initiative for your company is beneficial in that it is a popular, new trend, allows for direct communication with your audience, and can portray to your customers that you are a subject matter expert. 

Benefits to Webcasting

There are a host of benefits that come with utilizing webcasts for your overall marketing strategy. As mentioned above, it is a popular trend. By embracing trends you can show that your company is on top of the game. In addition, people generally enjoy visual media content, so by offering something that is both visual and interactive, you will draw in a large audience. Another major benefit to webcasting is the ability to talk with your customers in real-time. By setting up interactive chat rooms, your audience can interact with one another while also asking you questions which you can answer without delay. There are many uses for webcasting from marketing, training, and corporate communications, to press conferences and Q&A sessions with customers. Overall, webcasting is capable of reaching geographically dispersed audiences, maximizing brand opportunities, interacting and engaging your audience, and extending your company’s value. 

Popular Uses for Webcasts

There are a host of webcasting services online which will allow you to both view others’ webcasts and get into producing your own. Popular past uses for webcasting include educational webcasts like the “iTunes U Live” series and internal applications like training sessions and long distance meetings. In addition, many companies use webcasting to continue promoting good will with their customers. Webcasts can also be monetized through applications like product introductions and client interactions. 
Informatics has been monitoring the trend of webcasting for years, growing and perfecting our own capabilities. Our webcasting solutions provide organizations with cost effective, high quality webcasting that helps you reach and engage a wider audience, measure the impact of your communications, and create a positive user experience. Operating in the realm of high-end production values and compelling content, Informatics offers clients the ability to promote their brand through an effective, interactive medium. 


A podcast is an audio or video broadcast that is distributed over the Internet. It usually has a format similar to a radio or television show. Because little equipment is needed to record a podcast and the Internet is used as the distribution medium, virtually anyone can create one and distribute their thoughts and opinions to the world.


Although the presence of the word "pod" in "podcast" might lead some to assume that an iPod is required to watch or listen to podcasts, this is not the case. Many portable media players have built-in support for podcasts. You can also enjoy podcasts on your computer. The word "podcast" is a generic term for any audio or video broadcast that people can subscribe to over the Web. Generally, podcast creators use advertising to provide financial support; it costs nothing to subscribe to most podcasts.

Types of Podcasts

Because it costs nothing to produce a podcast if you already own a microphone -- and syndication through iTunes and file hosting on are free -- you can find a podcast for nearly any topic. There are podcasts for general subjects such as computers and pop culture, and niche podcasts for subjects such as the enjoyment of wine or the discussion of video and computer games as art forms.

Finding Podcasts
The iTunes Music Store is one of the largest online directories of podcasts. To find a podcast, simply type a term that interests you in the search field, such as "computers." When you find a podcast that you would like to watch or listen to, click "Subscribe." You can also find podcast networks on the Web, such as, Revision3 and Mevio. Each of these networks host several different audio and/or video podcasts.

Enjoying Podcasts

You can download podcasts manually through your Web browser. However, one of the features of podcasts is that software designed to manage podcast subscriptions can automatically detect when a new episode is available and download it for you. iTunes is a free program for Mac and Windows computers that has native support for podcasts. Other free programs for managing podcast subscriptions include Juice (Mac and Windows) and gPodder (Linux and Windows). After downloading a podcast, you can enjoy it in your favorite audio or video application or on your portable media player.

Making a Podcast

A quality vocal microphone is helpful for achieving acceptable audio quality for an audio podcast, but you can use any microphone and any audio recording software you like. Likewise, you can use any camera you like to create a video podcast -- including your computer's webcam -- but you are likely to get superior results from a high-quality digital camcorder. Once you are happy with your recording, the next step is to distribute it. You may do this by starting a website and allowing visitors to download podcasts directly from it, or by uploading your files to a third-party website such as Update your own website each time you post a new podcast episode, or sign up with iTunes to syndicate your podcast for free.

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