A reporter is a person who gathers information and writes
about it. A reporter is a type of journalist who researches and presents
information in the mass media. A reporter is a person who writes news stories
for a newspaper, magazine, etc and also tells news on the radio and television.
Reporters gather their information in a variety of ways including tips, press
releases and witness events. They perform research through interviews, public
records, and other sources. The information gathering part of the job is
sometimes called “ reporting” as distinct from the production part of the job.
Reporters are always in the midst of the real action. They
face the finest as well as the worst situation. They usually meet with the most
powerful leaders or the most famous celebrities. They face danger and death
with courage and dedication. They are always curious and adventures. The news
report eventually lands on the news desk. The process of editing comes into
operation, through a series of steps produces a package of information ready
for the mass communication.
Some of the common qualities of reporter as follow:
Reporters should be sincere in each and every task of
reporting .They should do what the journalistic ethics allow them to do and
don’t do something that they promised to avoid.
8. Credibility
Credibility is something that every good reporter should
have. In other words, a reporter must exhibit characters and behaviors that
make him or her trustable person in the society.
9. Courage and Confidence
10. Experience and Efficiency
A person who is experienced must be efficient also. A
reporter endowed with such two qualities can perform his reporting with quality
and standard.
1. Nose for news
The nose of the news is the most important quality for
professional reporters. The good reporters must have to have good news hunting
capacity. They must be careful to find out what is strange and unique to many
people. Even a tiny matter can be big scandals news if a good reporter really
tries to dig out the roots. Good reporters should have the ability to
disseminate the good news .
2. Curiosity, alertness, and impartiality
Good reporters must be curious. They enjoy reading and
appreciate the details. They are always alert to all probable news, news
sources and news sense. They are quick to reach the destination, where
important news can be available. They are equally critical to inspect and
evaluate all related sides of the news story.
3. Intelligence and Courage
Good reporters must be intelligent and courageous. Courage
helps them to develop a skin to deflect the inevitable criticism. They must
write something that may hurt someone’s prestige but not the ethics of the
journalism. Intelligence is also the most important attribute a reporter could
have. Similarly, courage is necessary to stand corrected, courage to take
criticism, courage to grow with the experiences, courage to accept what you
don’t understand.
4. Language expertise
Good reporter should learn to communicate idea in correct
and effective language. They should write in simple, direct pose without using
complicated sentences. A good reporter should report in such a way that the
targeted audience can understand. Otherwise, his news will not make any sense.
We know that a good student is a half journalist. He has the sense of
journalistic presentation. So, a reporter must be a language expert.
5. Handling media equipment
The Professional reporters must know how to operate
Dictaphone, digital movie camera, mobile and satellite phones, essential
computer programming like the word, excel, power-point, page maker, photoshop,
Dreamweaver etc. He must have knowledge of English/Nepali typing skills,
knowledge to operate email and the internet etc.
6. Faithfulness and Neutrality
The Report must be free from biased information. The
information provided in the report must be reliable and valid. False, invalid
and biased information are supposed to hamper the decision .
7. Knowledge of Structure and Presentation
How to write down all relevant and necessary information
maintaining a proper structure should be known to a good reporter. He must know
how to present the facts and information in a simple but effective way. So,
Knowledge of structure and presentation are necessary qualities to be possessed
by a reporter.
8. Patience
Making a good and perfect report is a complicated task. It
may need time and labor. A good reporter should have such patience for
completing the task properly and timely.
To become a good reporter, h/she usually should have a
college degree. The degree is often in journalism, but it is not compulsorily.
While hiring reporters, editors give much weight to the reporter’s previous
work. Their work can often make them into minor celebrities. Most reporters
earn less salary. Reporters must exercise their multiple responsibilities with
sincerity and honesty. The competent reporters follow the principles of writing
in good form and style.
1. Quality education
To become a good reporter they must complete their
graduation in journalism as the major subject. Otherwise, they have to get some
training course on journalism. They must be quick in writing down the facts.
2. Good Health
Good health is the another common quality of all the
reporters. Sometimes the Reporters have to wait long to get the news. They also
don’t get time to sleep, sometimes. So, they must be careful to maintain their
3. Stress management
Today, stress is a big problem to many people. Reporters go
and meet different people to interact, so sometimes they themselves may lose
their temper. Sometimes they may lose their public relations, audience and news
source. The reporter should speak politely. They should be patient and
contingent to handle the situation.
4. Punctuality
The reporters must be punctual as the media house itself is
a timely organization. Reporters must meet the deadline to publish or broadcast
the news. Otherwise, they will lose the important news. The value of news may
remain no more if the suitable chance is missed. Reporters must be like the
needle of the watch, it must run with the time likewise, the reporters should
be able to report on time .
5. Firm determination
A firm determination is a basic factor for the news
reporter. News media always run with first and foremost basis. If the reporter
loses a news, not only the reporter but the media organization will go behind
in the competition market. Reporters should not rest until they find the news
6. Discipline
Discipline is one of the major ornaments of the reporters.
They should not forget their goal of being the successful reporter. They must
go anywhere at any time to collect important news. Therefore, self-discipline
is very important to control and guide them to the right path of reporting.
7. Sincerity
Without courage and confidence, it is difficult for a person
to be a good reporter.A good reporter should be courageous and confident.
Timidity on the part of any reporter will get them nowhere.
Special qualities of a Reporter
Every reporter is supposed to have qualities. Some of them
have special qualities. Some of the special qualities that are to be in
reporter are as follow:
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